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Control work


The topic of our lesson: "Pack your bags. Should and Shouldn't"


The topic of our lesson: "Trip to London"


The topic of our lesson: "Trip to London"

        Read and translate the dialogue 

Means of transport

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Ex.4,5 p.99




The topic of the lesson:"Kyiv- is the capital of Ukraine"
1. Read the text and answer the questions 

Kyiv is the capital of our country. It is located on the Dnipro River. It is the largest city in the Ukraine. More than three million people live there. Kyiv was founded more than 1500 years ago.

It is the political, economic, industrial and cultural centre of our country. There are many factories in Kyiv. They make different products.

In Kyiv there are many museums, monuments, theatres, cinemas and palaces. Our capital is very beautiful in spring when chestnut trees are in blossom.

Khreschatyk is the main street in Kyiv. It is not very long, but it is wide and straight.

There are many historical places in Kyiv. For example, St. Sophia Cathedral, Kievo-Pechersk Lavra, Water Museum and many others.

Answer the questions.

  1. Is Kyiv the capital of Ukraine?
  2. Is it located on the river Thames?
  3. Was Kyiv founded more than 10 thousand years ago?
  4. Is it a cultural and economic centre of Ukraine?
  5. Is Kyiv very beautiful in spring?
  6. Is Khreschatik a wide street?
  7. Is Khreschatik a long street?
  8. Is a chestnut tree a symbol of Kyiv?

Do the test


The topic of the lesson:"Kyiv"
Grammar skills: will, to be going to, Present Continuous 

1. Watch the presentation 

2. Homework 
Do the exercise


The topic of the lesson:"Will vs  be going to"
Do the exercise


Control work № 7
Ukraine: Kyiv


The topic of the lesson:"School subject"
1. Watch the presentation


1.  Create the project: "My timetable"


The topic of the lesson:"School subject"


Read and answer the questions 

Dear Paul,

How are you? Thank you for your letter. Last time I promised you to tell about my school.

So, this year I’m in the eighth form. We have got some new subjects, for example Geography which I like very much, so we’ve got more les­sons every day. As I wrote last time we have lunch from 12 o’clock to 12.20. Some pupils eat in the canteen but I like bringing my own lunch because my mother makes great sandwiches.

Now we’ve got 5 or 6 lessons every day so we’ve got a lot of home­work and it takes us several hours to do it. Sometimes we have to sit up to write a composition, to prepare a report or to learn a poem by heart. As I like Ukrainian Literature I read a lot too.

I’m interested in foreign countries, their culture and peoples so the subject I like most is English. We have very interesting English lessons because our teacher trains us in different ways. We learn new words, dramatize texts and dialogues, discuss interesting things, do role-plays, listen to tapes and speak a lot. Our teacher usually supports us when we work in pairs and make up our own conversations.

Are things very different at your school?


The topic of the lesson:"My favourite subject"

1. Exercise 5, page 162

2. Write the essay «What is your favourite subject? Why?».


The topic of the lesson: In geography class"

Exercisess 1, page 167 and ex. 3, page 169 


The topic of the lesson:"Continents"



The topic of the lesson:"At the PE lesson"

1. Find the odd word and circle it out. 

1.     Biology, Maths, a teacher, Music, Art

2.     A sketch-book, pencils, an eraser, a table, paints

3.     Rules, a dictation, a classroom, a composition, exercises

4.     A vocabulary, a topic, a text, a school-bag, dialogues

5.     A valley, mountains, a map, a blackboard, climate

2. Unscramble the following words:

M yg 







Topic of the lesson:" Travelling"
1. Watch the presentation 

2. Homework: Exercise 3, page 96.
Do the test 


Topic of the lesson:"Travelling"

1. Watch the video and write down the basic phrases and words.

2. Do the task

Homework: Exercise 6, page 97


Topic of the lesson: "A trip to London"

1. Watch the presentation and take notes 

2. Write down the words on page 99 and learn them

3. Homework: Exercises 4-5, page 99, repeat Past Simple 

26. 01.2021

Topic of the lesson:"Transport"

1. Watch the presentation 

2. Homework: Englih Workbook pages 39-41. Repeat Past Simple and do the task 


Topic of the lesson: "Packing your suitcase"

Grammar Lab: Using should 

1. Exercise 1, page 102. 

2. Learn the rule on page 104.

3.  Homework: Exercise 6, page 104


Topic of the lesson:"Going on a trip"

Exercise 1, page 105, write down the words  into your vocabularies and learn them.

Homework: Exercise 2, page 105 and exercise 4, pages 107-108

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