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 Письмові завдання будуть перевірені після завершення дистанційного навчання!


Prepare for the control work 


The topic of our lesson: "The weather and climate of Ukraine. Special and general questions"



The topic of our lesson: "Seasons in Great Britain"


Ex.7 p. 105


The topic of our lesson: "The weather and the seasons"



The topic of the lesson: "Christmas in Britain"
Watch the presentation 



The topic of the lesson: "Halloween"

1. Watch the presentation 


2. Do the test 
  1. Halloween is on the 31st of _______.

a) November   b) October   c) December

2. On this day children dress up as ___________  .

a) their neighbours   b) usual   c) witches and ghosts

3. On this holiday children visit __________.

a) their neighbours’ houses   b) English-speaking countries    c) ghosts, witches or devils

4. Pumpkins with ____________ inside are usual decorations.

a) chocolate   b) candles   c) candies

5. When children ask “trick or treat?” the neighbour has to give them a treat ___________.

a) usually water   b) usually candles   c) usually chocolate



The topic of the lesson: "English holidays"
Watch the presentation 


a) Match the holidays with their dates.

1.     New Year                         a) October 31

2.     Easter                               b) April 1

3.     Christmas                        c) January 1

4.     Halloween                        d) 2d Sunday of May

5.     St. Valentine’s Day          e) April

6.     Mother’s Day                   f) December 25

7.     April Fool’s Day              g) February 14

b) Make up the sentences, using the mixed words.

1. famous / holidays / Some / are / birthdays / the / of / people

2. word / The / means / “holiday” / a / “holy day”

3. their / On / to / mothers / presents / give / children / Mother’s Day

 4. merry / is / holiday / Christmas / a


The topic of the lesson: "St. Valentine's Day"
1. Watch the presentation 

2. Homework 
Exercises 2, 3, pages 174-175


The topic of the lesson:"Christmas in Ukraine"
1. Watch the presentation 


1. Exercises 2,3, page 177
2. Do the quiz 


The topic of the lesson:"Easter in Great Britain and Ukraine"
1. Watch the presentation

1. Do the exercise

2. Do the quiz https://naurok.com.ua/test/start/221937


The topic of the lesson:"British holidays"

Read the text and say the sentences true or false.
There are some public holidays in Great Britain. They are Christmas Day, New Year’s Day, Boxing Day, Good Friday, Easter, Bank Holiday and May Day. Public Holidays in Britain are called Bank Holidays because the banks, most of the offices and shops are closed.
The most popular holiday is Christmas. Every year the people of Norway give the city of London a present. It is a big Christmas tree and it stands in Trafalgar Square. Many churches have a carol service on Sunday before Christmas. The fun starts at night before   the 24-th of December. Children hang stockings at the end of their beds hoping that Santa Clause will come down with toys and sweets. It is a family holiday when relatives usually meet for the big dinner of turkey and pudding. The 26-th of December, Boxing Day is an extra holiday after Christmas Day. This is the time to unpack presents or maybe to sit at home and watch football.

1.       On Public Holidays most of the banks, offices and shops are closed.

2.       The most popular holiday is Easter.

3.        Every year the people of Norway give the city of London a big Christmas tree and it stands in Independence Square.

4.       People go to the church on Sunday before Christmas.

5.       Children believe in Santa.

6.       Family gets together on Christmas Day.

7.       Boxing Day is the great sport holiday after Christmas.

8.       Children unpack presents on Christmas Eve.


           Control work № 8

           Holidays and traditions

I.                  Answer the questions


1.     Where is the big Christmas tree installed in London?

2.     When is Halloween celebrated?

3.     What is the traditional attribute of Halloween?

4.     What is the name of the patron saint of England?

5.     Who was Guy Fawkes?

6.     What was the name of the emperor in the 3rd century in Rome?

7.     What goddess was Easter named after in the UK?

8.     What is the name of the week before Easter?

9.     What is the main dish for Christmas in the UK?

10. When Is Christmas celebrated in Ukraine?


II.               Put the correct preposition


__ September

__ 12  o'clock


__ Easter Monday

__ 4th July, 1776



__the weekend

__my birthday

__the end of the week


III.           Translate from Ukrainian to English


1.     Вона жила в Японії.

2.     Вони ходили до цирку.

3.     Іван прочитав цю газету вчора.

4.     Вікторія приїхала на машині 2 хвилини тому.

5.     Батьки купили цей стіл 5 років тому.


IV.            Translate the words:

1.     The Day of Knolwledge

2.     Constitution Day

3.     Make a special dish

4.     Робити покупки

5.     Робити вітальну листівку

6.     Великдень

7.     Celebrate

8.     Gift

9.     Стрічка

10. Гарбуз



The topic of the lesson:"School supplies"




The topic of the lesson:"School subject"



Unit 5. «Nature and weather»

            Topic of the lesson: «The weather»

            1. Write down the words into your vocabularies exersice 1, page 98 and exersice 4, page 100



3. Find the odd one out.

1        autumn, spring, summer, weather

2        rainy, noisy, snowy, windy

3        beach, surfboard, ice, seaside

4        golden, brown, yellow leaf


4. Write the letters in the correct order (за бажанням):

- N a m w o n s

- L l a b w o n s

- E k a l f w o n s

- S e t a k s e c I

- Y r a u n a j

- R e b m e c e d

T e r w i n


       Homework: Exercise 6. page 101


  Topic of the lesson:"Seasons"

1. Watch the presentation here, read and do the tasks (in writing).

      2. Exercise 4, page 102

      3. Homework

Answer the questions (in writing):

1. The coldest season of the year is ...

a) autumn c) spring

b) winter d) summer

2. The hottest season of the year is ...

a) autumn c) spring

b) winter d) summer

3. Pupils have the longest holidays in ...

a) autumn c) spring

b) winter d) summer

4. September, October, November are the months of the ...

a) autumn c) spring

b) winter d) summer

5. Spring has three months: March, April and ...

a) June c) May

b) July d) August

6. New Year starts in ...

a) January c) November

b) February d) December

7. Winter months are: December, January and ...

a) September c) November

b) October d) February

8. Pupils begin to go to school in ...

a) June c) August

b) July d) September

9. We go to school on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and ...

a) Friday c) Sunday

b) Saturday d) July

10. The last day of the week is ...

a) Sunday c) Tuesday

b) Monday d) Wednesday

11. Rest days are Saturday and ...

a) Thursday c) Sunday

b) Friday d) Monday

12. After Monday goes ...

a) Tuesday c) Thursday

b) Wednesday d) Friday


Topic of the lesson:"The weather in Britain"

1. Watch the presentation 

2. Homework: Exercise 3 pages 103-104 and Ex. 4, p. 104.


Topic of the lesson: "The weather in Ukraine"

1. Watch the presentation and take notes

2. Watch the presentation and take notes

Homework: do the task 


Topic of the lesson:"Weather forecast"

Grammar Lab: Modal Verb Should 

1. Read the rules

2. Do the task 

3. Homework: Exercise 2-3, page 108


Topic of the lesson:"The weather"

Grammar Lab: Will or Going to be

1. Watch the presenation


Homework: Exercise 4, page 112 (in writing)  

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